Friday, August 26, 2011

Getting out of Dodge

We're leaving today for Leland and will not be returing.  As soon as we sign the papers, we'll be leaving....still waiting for the dealer to show up.
  It's been 10 weeks since our boat was delivered from the factory.  In that 10 weeks, we've waited for the dealer to complete the necessary installations/repairs.  (Ron has fixed the problem with the generator......a switch in the engine room was not turned on.  Ron also installed the mast light yesterday--quite a job.)  The Vessel View (under warranty) is still not working.  We expect Cummins to send someone to Peoria to fix it.  WE WANT OUT OF HERE!
We ordered DTV on the boat and at home...switching from Comcast.  Ron has the patience of a saint.  He was on the phone with DTV/Satellite company for 6 hours on Wednesday.  It's working, but we have some signal issues yet to deal with. 
Today is beautiful!  Calm waters after days of wind.  The Canadian air moved in over night and caused us burrow under blankets for warmth.
Hope to be back in Peoria around Labor Day!

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