Friday, October 21, 2011

Florence, AL to Jo Wheeler State Park

10/19/11  I decided I needed a haircut and mentioned it to Ava, the owner of the marina.  She got on the phone, made an appointment for me, and asked her daughter to drive me the 10 miles or so.  Talk about customer service...outstanding! 
10/20/11  We left Florence for Wilson Lock.  Three other boats entered the lock with was a houseboat being manned by one person on board.  Due to the excessive wind, he was not able to get to a bollard from his port side and got turned around in the lock so that his bow was tied on the bollard.

 The lockmaster would not fill the lock until he turned the boat around and got a better line on the bollard.  This lock is one of the highest in the US at 93 feet.  When he filled the lock, the water boiled and churned and we were glad we had two lines (fore and aft) tied to the bollard.  We had some challenges docking due to strong winds.  We are tied to the courtesy dock because we were unable to get a slip.  (no problem---the courtesy dock is free)  There is no power on this dock, but we have a generator.  Had cocktails on Sweetgrass and we were able to meet Jerry's wife Jenny, who arrived this morning.  Had a nice time!
10/21/11  Two BIG boats are tied up on the other side of our dock....we look like their dingy.

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