Sunday, August 11, 2024



Today we traveled 294 miles in order to get to Tok and then Chicken. We were plagued with rain most of the day. The road from Tok to Chicken and then to Walker Fork Campground was rough, but doable. We stopped at a rest area and asked a group if they were with Fantasy Tours and if they knew Betsy Johnson. They did, and we passed our card along to her. She is also a Looper, like us. They mentioned that one of the class A's on their caravan tour had rolled over into a ditch and the cost of towing was $20,000, but they weren't able to get it out so an additional tow truck was needed. No one was injured, thankfully.

Alaska Pipeline

Another glacier seen through the rain

We had to wait for this driver while she walked her Rottweiler

Our Road to Chicken, AK

The Aspens are turning

Dirt road for MANY miles

Chicken, Alaska:  home to 4 to 12 people depending on the season.  Two gas pumps, a general store, a post office and a small campground.  The road to Chicken closes in October and everyone but the postmaster leaves during the winter.  A friend told us that bears are a real problem here (there are lots of claw marks on the buildings.

This great guy pumps the diesel/gas for everyone who visits

Walker Fork Campground-  really nice

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