Saturday, June 22, 2024

6/19 and 6/20, 2024



We stayed a second night in the campground below the dam because we were sheltered from the wind,  The predicted all-day rain didn't materialize until 2am, but it was nice to have a day off from driving.

This was what Duke looked like in the morning.  He was sound asleep!  "Make the world go away"!!

6/20/2024:  What an interesting day.  We took a slightly longer route and saw an interesting site in Wilson, KS where the world's largest Czech egg is located. Then we went to Victoria to see the beautiful Basilica.  The wind today was wicked!! Felt as if we would blow off the road each time an oncoming truck passed us.  Our campground tonight is in Montezuma, KS and is city-owned.  You know you are in western Kansas, when this small campground has 2 tornado shelters which hold about 6 people each. 

Ron felt right at home. (those Slovaks)

A Czech business

Downtown Wilson

Interesting structure

Cathedral of the Plains

Inside the Cathedral

The Altar

Each window was beautiful

Early residents (German-Volga)

Old Locomotive

The city campground

I'm claustrophobic, so I'd have to see the tornado coming before I'd get in!

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