Saturday, June 29, 2024



This morning we went to the visitors' center to get permits to go in 2 caves which are old lava tubes.  The permits are to prevent people who have visited other caves recently from transporting a fungus on their clothing.  The fungus causes white nose and kills the bats.  We walked about a mile on rolling concrete paths to get to the caves.  Well, old folks like us should have asked more questions.  There are ragged boulders and rocks on the floors of both caves.  One missed step and we would have needed EMTs for sure.  So we just took pictures of other folks.  Tonight we are in North Fork Campground north of Ketcham, ID.  Heading to town tonight for mass and then dinner.

The mile-long path to the caves

Look at the floor of the cave.  Yikes

The mile long path to the caves

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