Wednesday, June 26, 2024

6/24/2024 Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve



We left NM and arrived in Colorado at the Great Sand Dunes National Park.  These dunes cover 30 square miles and the tallest is 750 feet.  This eco system relies on snow melt for its survival.  The ranger just stopped by to tell us a black bear has been seen nearby in the past week.

Still in NM

Snow-capped peaks

Church high on a hill.  Sign at the bottom of the path up warned of rattle snakes.
No, we didn't hike up.

See the dunes on the left

Massive dunes

For those who hike up, they are told to wear close-toed shoes. 
Temp of the can can reach 140 degrees in the summer.

Our campsite for the night.  Dunes are in background.  So hot we stayed inside.

Guest outside our bedroom window this morning!

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