Saturday, June 29, 2024



This morning we went to the visitors' center to get permits to go in 2 caves which are old lava tubes.  The permits are to prevent people who have visited other caves recently from transporting a fungus on their clothing.  The fungus causes white nose and kills the bats.  We walked about a mile on rolling concrete paths to get to the caves.  Well, old folks like us should have asked more questions.  There are ragged boulders and rocks on the floors of both caves.  One missed step and we would have needed EMTs for sure.  So we just took pictures of other folks.  Tonight we are in North Fork Campground north of Ketcham, ID.  Heading to town tonight for mass and then dinner.

The mile-long path to the caves

Look at the floor of the cave.  Yikes

The mile long path to the caves



After a long day's drive, we are at Craters of the Moon National Monument near Arco, ID.  We are staying in the lava flow campground.  Scenery today was mostly sagebrush with the exception of beautiful Bear Lake on the border of Utah/Idaho.

Sagebrush everywhere

This STEEP hill is the steepest runaway truck ramp we've ever seen

Mountains before the flats

Bear Lake is 20 miles long and 8 miles wide. Known as the Caribbean of the Rockies because of its turquoise water.  Formed by fault subsidence.

Mormon Tabernacle in Paris, ID

First town powered by atomic energy

Goes back to 1920.  Each class since has written on the mountain.

Our campground for the night

Eerie and barren

No grass here

These basalt rocks have very sharp edges

Hanging out in the shade



We traveled from northwest Colorado to Utah to Wyoming today.  WE had a few sprinkles while driving.  We've been on the road since June 7th and have not driven at all in rain.  Lots of wind in Wyoming made for both hands on the steering wheel at all times.  Pics show varied terrain as we traveled over 240  miles today.  Spending the night at Walmart in Evanston, WY along with at least 30 trucks and campers.

Last night's campground

A few raindrops as we entered the tunnel

We stayed toward the mddle

Interesting terrain

Flaming Gorge Reservoir on the Green River

Welcome to windy Wyoming

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

6/26/2024: Colorado Monument National Park



Today will be a photo dump of our journey to western Colorado and the Colorado Monument National Park.

Independence Monument
juniper berries

No kidding


Much cooler in the trees.  Over 90 elsewhere

So glad there was a fence

This reminded me of women hugging one another

Don't back up

It's a long way down

A shady character

Yes, we fit by staying toward the middle.  The sides were 10ft-6 inches