Tuesday, June 9, 2015

6/9/2015 Incredibly No Good, Very Bad Day!!

After getting through the Brandon Lock this morning early, we entered the section of Joliet between the Railroad Bridge and the Jefferson Street Bridge.  Off to our left, we heard someone who sounded drunk yelling, "hey boat".  At first we saw no one, but then identified a male in the water holding on to the right descending bank.  He yelled for help and we immediately called 911and Ron was told by the 911 operator that it had already been called in and that help was on the way.  We could see an officer in a car responding.  We pointed to the person in the water and the officer responded.  At that point we were at least 50 yards off.  The man in the water had his head and shoulders clearly above the waterline.  He was wearing what appeared to be a dark t-shirt. It appeared to us that a line had been thrown from shore to the man in the water.

About the same time, an officer across the water on the left descending bank (about 75 yards upstream) began to angrily yell at us and waving us toward him.  We pulled over to that side of the water and he continued to yell that we were to get back and make a rescue.  We could see personnel on shore. Not one of the first responders had signaled us or called us over to help.  At that point we made what we considered an informed decision:  to stay back and observe.  Our wake, our prop, and a potential crush from our boat was possible if we approached.  This officer on shore was getting more and more irate. 

The rescue was completed by the police and fire personnel. 

At that point this angry officer  (Callahan??)waved us over.  He continued to yell and asked for ID.  He said he was turning us in to the Coast Guard and we "would be off the water permanently. Just how long had we been boating?"  "This is going in with the police report. You'll be hearing from them (the Coast Guard)."  He asked us how we'd like it if that was our grandson that was drowning (this man was not drowning).  Oh, my.  I AM STILL SHAKING and this is hours later. 
According to this officer, the man was thrown in the water by 3 men.  We have no idea if this was a robbery, foul play, or possibly a crime!  I want out of Illinois!!!!! 

Our trip in the afternoon on the Chicago River was a hot one...94 degrees.  The notorious Amtrack Bridge where boats wait for lengthy periods was a big surprise.  I called the phone number requesting an opening and within a minute, the bridge was up.

Once through the last lock, we entered the inner harbor of Lake Michigan, turned to starboard, and arrived at the Chicago Yacht Club.  There were lots of available slips, but we were told that we would be able to stay only two nights because the nude sailboat races started on Thursday.  We later found that it was not the nude, but the NOOD.

Dinner on the Chicago Yacht Club patio was a very nice end to our troublesome day.


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