Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kingston Ontario

Kingston is the first Canadian city that we have actually visited together before.  We liked it then, loved it now.

We spent the day with Jeanne and Kenny from Daybreak playing tourist.  We rode the trolley to get acquainted with the city attractions.

  Our first stop was the prison museum which turned out to be very interesting.  Convicts can be very ingenious in creating weapons and means of entertainment while locked up.  And it appears water-boarding was widely practiced here in the mid to late 1800's.

When we returned to our boats, Ann & Ken from Charis had arrived and we all had dinner together at the Chez Piggy, a very nice restaurant enclosed in a back alley courtyard.

 Our original summer cruise plans were to spend more time with Ken & Ann.  We were briefly together at Half-Moon-Bay and had lunch in Kingston NY.  We didn't cross paths again until Lake Champlain, at Whitehall & again at Burlington VT.   After that we waved once when we passed them in a marina below the St. Ours Lock just before the St. Lawrence River.  Then we went down the St. Lawrence and they went up to Montreal.  The next time we saw them was at Ottawa, but we were at the bottom of the staircase locks, and they were at the top and leaving the next day.  Somehow we passed them when winds kept them in port at Portland ON, while we were on the lee shore and headed for Westport.

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