Friday, August 14, 2015

8/6/15 Erie to Buffalo

Our 1-3’s quickly turned into ones and we had a calm ride all the way to Buffalo.  We took the canal near shore and had to wait a short time for the railroad bridge.  About a mile after the bridge, we entered the harbor for Buffalo Launch Club. 

If we had taken the alternate route down the Niagara River, we would have been in 12-15 knot current.  If you go straight on that river, you end up at the Niagara Falls. 

We had dinner at the BYC which was very good.  Buffalo Launch Club requires reciprocal membership in order to stay there.  They have a club house with formal and casual dining (indoors and out), two tennis courts, a pool, and the Finch house.  The Finch house was a residence donated by a couple upon their deaths.  Mrs. Finch’s father had dredged the river and filled the land that became the yacht club in 1903.  Finch house is used for casual indoor/outdoor parties and has a free laundry, restroom, full kitchen.

Front of Club


Finch House

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