Saturday, July 13, 2024

7/12/2024 ALASKA


At the border, the U.S. Ag inspector came aboard and inspected our fridge and freezer looking for eggs, chicken and produce purchased in Canada.  We passed

We visited Skagway and had lunch--there were people (from the 4 cruise ships) everywhere!!

Ferry to Haines had a unique sideloading into the hold.  To depart the ferry, each vehicle had to back up and turn around.  That's tricky for the trucks pulling trailers. Our campground for the night was  Chilkoot  State Recreation Area. Remote and GRIZZLIES Dumpster Diving!

There was no cell service, but we had a whole evening of entertainment.  A grizzly was determined to open the bear-proof dumpster looking for food.  He moved it, turned it over, clawed it, jumped on and off of it and tried to break the chain that held it to a tree. This went on for over 2 hours. One camper with a gun shot it in the air to scare the bear away, but it came right back.  At one point the bear became so frustrated, he knocked over the Starlink antenna at the closest site.  We were less than 50 yards away but there was a car/trailer 25 feet away and a tent 50 feet away.  The bear and his buddy kept lumbering through the tent site.  Finally the tent owners moved it to safety.  Several hours later, a car with two more tents arrived and were set up in the same place.  They were clueless.

Before the border

Loved this pic


One of the cruise ships

Ferry coming in

Campsite near the bear viewing

Ron, the next morning at the site of the crime

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