Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Summary of 7/30/2024


 Summary of yesterday's events.

Jonathan, the tow truck driver arrived. Our vehicle would not shift, so the back tires were locked. He did an amazing job of getting our 12,000 pound vehicle loaded using a pulley and slides under the tires. When I saw how long our vehicle was once loaded, I was worried.

He told us we could all ride in the truck with him. There was no leg room and Duke had the floor. I had concerns about no bathroom, no food and no water, but we did stop a couple of times for the restroom. Ron and I shared a bottle of water and a small pack of snacks. It took 8 hours to get to Anchorage. God bless him, Duke slept almost the entire way without being able to turn around.
Some scary times: 1)when the road was rough and we were going 55 mph, our RV bounced wildly and felt as if it might slingshot into the truck's cab. 2)Jonathan occasionally took both hands off the wheel when telling a story.
3)Jonathan liked to check his email or find you tube videos while driving
Some good times: 1) we saw Denali (Mt. McKinley!!!! First time Jonathan had seen it on a clear day, too
2) Jonathan was a talker and told us he met his wife online. She is from Peru, and he flew down to get her. He is the eldest of 8 kids.
3) We made it to Anchorage

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