Monday, July 22, 2024


 7/20/24: We have a few pics from today, but the story from our camp hosts from Discovery Campground, Captain Cook State Park was the special event today. Curt and Wendy stopped by. He was in the Navy and told us this humorous story about the Admiral who gave him directions. After arriving at the Norfolk Airport following boot camp, he saw a naval officer & asked for directions. The Admiral gave him a ride to his new station and made sure he was "comfortable" Because the Admiral brought him, he was allowed to sleep late each day and have special meals for the two weeks before he left for Viet Nam. His other admiral story was when an Admiral pinned his silver star on him in front of 4,000 sailors. After the ceremony, the Admiral asked, "is there anything I can do for you?" Curt said, "Well, I'd like to go home for 2 weeks and not have it count against my time". The Admiral said, "done". And within a half hour they flew him off the ship (to Boston) and 2 weeks later flew him back to the ship. When I asked what he did to earn the star, he wouldn't say. But Wendy said when his ship, the USS America, experienced a below deck explosion, he went below, turned off the boilers and saved a crew man. WOW! Such a nice couple! And she lived in Peoria and hung out in Pekin in her youth!

Taken on another gravel road while looking for a pumpout

Not sure what this peak is calle

Across the water, more mountains

Taken from the campground

Sunny and warm today

Curt and Wendy

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