Monday, July 29, 2024



Trouble in paradise!! We left our campsite this morning and went to fill up with water. Our Mercedes was stuck in "park".  Then all dash lights came on, wipers on, and warning messages kept repeating, and for at least an hour it wouldn't shut off.  Because we are so far from Fairbanks, Mercedes helpline could not find us a tow.  The only dealer in Alaska is in Anchorage, 416 miles away.  After 5 hours, the engine started and we drove 30 miles before the Mercedes electronics went crazy and we had to pull over.  After several phone calls, Ron found a transporter that will (maybe) take us to Fairbanks tonight and Anchorage tomorrow.  Did I mention that it's still raining and Duke is still not feeling well?  Thankfully we are safely off the road and have food and a bathroom!  Prayers would be helpful!

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